The Second & Third Water Tanks


To get a full understanding of Ground-Up, it’s important for us to start this blog post where the first one left off.

As you might recall, when Kam returned to Canada from Morogoro in 2018, he called a meeting with the Ground-Up team, asking what could become of this initiative. We were all in agreement that this had the potential to be so much more than just one act of kindness, but rather, it could be something that enriched the lives of these young students as they grow into adults, and then into parents, and then as they send their own children into school.

As the year progressed, some of the Ground-Up team agreed to visit Tanzania again in Feburary, 2019. They had the mission to install two additional water tanks in two other schools. With resources in place, we worked with our contractors in Tanzania to get started on the second and third water tanks.

With some valuable lessons from the first tank in place, we approached these next two tanks with a revised plan. The river the first tank was drawing from dried up, so we had our team dig a well for the tank to pull from to prevent this issue from happening again.

Lessons in mind, these next two tanks pulled water directly from the pipes in the ground. The tanks are able to act as water reserves for the students to access when their otherwise rationed water is cut off.

This trip was so impactful for our team, as we were provided the opportunity to meet with and to speak to the students and staff impacted by these efforts.

As we returned, we were more inspired than ever. The whole team has plans to head back to Tanzania in 2020 to install four more tanks and to look at ways to expand our charity in a meaningful way.

We look forward to what the future will bring for Ground-Up and for these students.