Do The Things You Think You Cannot Do

You must do the things you think you cannot do

Have you ever been at a place in your life where you just don’t know what to do next?

I think we all have! But that’s the thing about this life — we’re faced with big decisions all the time. We deal with impeccable hardships that we must learn how to overcome, but we keep going. We find ways to deal with our problems, to solve them and to make our lives better.

We’re on the road to greatness and nothing will get in our way.

This is one of our favourite quotes and these words of encouragement apply to our cause in such a relevant way.

Imagine being a small child between the ages of 6-10. You have to walk countless miles to school each day with less than ideal footwear in extremely trying weather. It’s so hot outside that with every step, you’re dreaming of jumping into a refreshing body of water, letting it cool you from the tips of your toes to the top of your head (it’s hard to relate if you live in Canada, especially this year, but you get where we’re going here).

For the kids who inspired our cause, this is only a dream. They make that walk to and from school each day carrying heavy jugs of unsafe drinking water that must last them the walk to school, the entire day at school, and the long walk home. Not only are they without a lake to jump into at the end of the day, but the water in these jugs is unclean and has a very high risk of making them sick — but they still push through.

This kind of resilience is admirable.

So for now, we want you to imagine facing this uphill battle each day. We want you to think about the strength it takes to talk yourself into making this journey and apply it to your own struggles.

If you’re in the middle of a hard decision, you’re not sure what to do next, you have no idea how you’re going to do it, think about these kids and let their fire fuel you.

You’ve got this and so do they.